Thursday, March 26, 2009

biker scribbles

two bikers




Neither one of those dudes looks like Modok.....clocks ticking....

Also, great drawings by the way.


Liam said...

funny yeah-started with modok yet ended with bikers?
think i may have screwed up a wee bit
thanks dude-must go draw mr modok now then

Alisa said...

Bunny? Sounds like a vicious biker to me. Great sketches! Love the guy on the left.

Liam said...

well not every biker is vicious, this guy likes to get mesmerized by cute fish in his home tank and lets face it-some bunnies need the holy hand grenade of Antioch to kill them , if monty python has taught us nothing else, it has shown us the truth there!!
haha, thanks alisa, was fun sketching them